In previous posts we described in detail the engineering difficulty of combining High Potential and PEMF functions into one device that simultaneous energies can be output from one surface for therapy. A natural question would next be: what is the therapeutic benefits of receiving these very two therapies at the same time? What is the efficacy gain? Or Can I find two separate devices, singularly High Potential and PEMF each, apply the therapies in time sequence and should I expect similar efficacy? Or can I have the two singular devices and try apply them onto two parts of my body simultaneously and expect a similar effect?
Very reasonable questions. The short answer is: No, it is not the same. Yes, there is a clear difference in efficacy gain laying in the simultaneity.
On our Earth’s surface, natural terrestrial electric potential fields co-exit with natural earthy PEMF fields. They are created naturally by and from our mother Earth itself. They are ever present and always simultaneous. That is: natural electric elements and magnetic elements are intertwined at all time in any Earth's surface environment. The fields also behave this way within all our body’s biological processes.
In the inside of our body, countless biologic electric field-related and magnetic field-related processes take place at any given moment. Electric processes and magnetic procedures intertwine to form metabolism, that our body’s livelihood is intrinsically a binary product of electric and magnetic reactions. Both explicit electric energy and magnetic energy are needed and consumed simultaneously for any micro process within our body.
High Electric Potential therapy works by gently boost body cells’ membrane potential. This way the process of substances (nutrients and wastes, molecules and clusters) coming in and going out of the cells is enhanced. Cells (and mitochondria) become more efficient.
PEMF works by letting substances actually ride on its pulsating lines along the channels (also the surrounding field lines it inducts). Substances’ logistics again gets promoted.
High Potential facilitates body’s substance transport in the "penetrating" direction meaning "in-out" and "out-in" of cell membranes. PEMF enhances substance transport in the parallel directions along natural body channels. With these two combined, a “3D” network is constructed.
Substance logistics makes up the bulk of all metabolic processes. Most of the daily energy consumed by our cells and mitochondria actually goes into substance transport. Our body functions much better and feels more energetic when its global and local transport gets an enhancement. High Potential and PEMF, one without the other, doesn’t fully mimic our body’s mechanism and hence lack the boosting effects it needs.
High Potential combined with PEMF is highly consistent with substance transport mechanism within our body on a micro scale.
This is one of the aspects in our study why High Potential combined with PEMF simultaneously is key for efficacy.